Thank you for the question.
Note - the following answer uses "God", "He", and "Him" but "Tao" could be used to replace any of those...
I hope that this answer doesn’t make any sense. It shouldn’t. And yet, to something else other than the analytical questioning mind, it may…
There are no others.
There is no you.
There is nothing to pray to and nothing to pray.
And there is nothing involved with anything.
There is only God… a name for the nameless.
Prayer is a listening and not a speaking. It is to enter the silence of no-thought to hear the Word of God. There is no need to worry about outcomes because everything that is God is flowing as part of God’s Creation and is doing just fine.
It might not appear to be doing just fine to some of us, and we find ourselves praying for something better, yet, here is a resistance. Can you see that? There is a resistance between what is and what a person wishes it could be, whether for themselves or others. Any sign of resistance is showing a lack of faith for the unfolding of God’s Creation.
There is a very strange thing going on, and that is mankind, for quite a while now, has acted from the position of anxiety, and it has caused the world we see around us. “What if there is not enough?” “What if I fenced in these cows and stopped them from wandering around freely, so that I could eat them whenever I wanted?” “What will happen if someone tries to take my cows?”
And suddenly, we have those who have and those who have not. And we have the idea of exchange, you give me some of your time and I will give you an amount of money that I think your time is worth.
Yet in the Kingdom of the Father, everything is provided for freely and by chance. The sparrow drinks from a puddle and sleeps in a tree. But where does mankind rest his head?
Through all this effort, we overlook God’s unfolding, what is called His Will, and put our will first. This is the Original Sin… turning from God’s Wisdom, to that of the self. And we turn from an experience of God, to self-belief.
We say things like “I believe in God” or “I don’t believe in God”. But only God exists.
You are God appearing as you. The people you wish to help are God appearing as other people. His Silence lies behind your eyes. There is no sound between what is heard and the ears that are hearing. Nothing lies in the way. Only thinking obscures God’s presence, and this, in a Biblical sense is the devil - your thoughts, your questions, your needs, your lack of faith, your desire to reinforce your sense of self… all NOISE.
Prayer is to turn away from the noise.
Then you might feel guided into action. You might “hear” or “feel” a compulsion to do something, or do nothing at all. There will be no sense of self or other-than-self at the center of it. It will not feel rushed or troubled. It will not be rooted in anxiety or hope. It will just be. And here Creation occurs through you that is Himself.
What can you do to help others?
Be the Messiah. Be the anointed. Be the Light. To anoint, and to be the Messiah, have their roots in lighting street lamps with oil. In the same way, one whose mind is clear for the Christ mind, becomes as the Christ mind - the truth of what he or she already is - only now, the voice of the self has died to a whisper, not even that.
To be as God, as the Truth of what we are. To overlook the ideas of “self” and “other” and move through stillness, and speak from silence. Then those of “us” who are seeking, might recognise Him through your being, through the Light of Presence that is there always, yet has been cleared from the noise of self.
And this shows another way. It is Proof. It is what we seek from the position of self that has lost the Way.
This is the best thing you can do for others.
Yet, there is only Him. And only He asks, and only He answers.
Tao poems Taoist poetry Taoist poems about nature Taoism poem Taoism poetry
zen poetry zen poems about nature nonduality poetry mystical poetry Wu Wei Tao poem Taoist writings