If One is said to be free from One including One/One then how come One, as sparks of One, still succumb to One and find One in this One/Oneness?
Chuang Tzu said that what we like is the Tao and what we dislike is also the Tao. So, what is negative?
What is ignorance and knowing?
Let me ask this spider in the corner of my window…
“Hello, what is ignorance and knowing?”
It didn’t say anything.
“Hey, what is negative?”
If a spider could look confused it’s doing so now.
When you are not thinking, are you still thinking of ignorance and knowing?
When no thought is present, is there an idea of negative and positive?
I’m close to laughing.
Does that pique your ego?
I’m not laughing at you. I’m just laughing at the craziness of it all. I laughed at myself once. But only when I realised that I don’t exist. Then I laughed at whatever was laughing. The sky laughed too, and all the things I hadn’t come to know, they also laughed.
It’s safer that way.
Just to be and laugh.
If it wasn't the truth it wouldn’t be so funny.
All this doing and asking and getting somewhere. Hardly anyone does nothing any longer. My gosh.
I’m just off to get the post from the letter box. Something is in there with a name on it, and I swear it doesn’t belong to me. But no one in the government likes it when I say I don’t owe them anything and won’t be paying their bills.
We will send you to prison if you don’t pay. I’m already inside prison and outside of it, huh?
Golden waves all around.
Hold on…
I’m back.
But how can this be? What is back? Did I go anywhere? Did the outside of my house become greater because I was added to it? And the inside lost something, right? But I cannot find what it was.
The spider is still here, in its web, utterly settled and apparently vacant. But that’s me too.
Looking at myself. Talking to myself.
Jumping in puddles.
Tao poems Taoist poetry Taoist poems about nature Taoism poem Taoism poetry
zen poetry zen poems about nature nonduality poetry mystical poetry Wu Wei
Taoist writings